African Violet
Scientific Name: Streptocarpus ionantha (formerly Saintpaulia ionantha)Common Name: African Violet African Violets became commercially popular as a...
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Store pickup is available at our Spokane location
Scientific Name: Streptocarpus ionantha (formerly Saintpaulia ionantha)Common Name: African Violet African Violets became commercially popular as a...
View full detailsScientific Name: Agave isthmensis f. mediopicta albaCommon Name: Alba Agave, Century Plant, White Stripe Century Plant Agave plants are a very popu...
View full detailsScientific Name: Agave victoriae-reginaeCommon Name: Queen Victoria Agave Agave plants are a very popular choice for indoor plant collectors, and t...
View full detailsScientific Name: Aloe ‘Solar Flare’ PP (Aloe humilis hybrid)Common Name: Solar Flare Aloe Aloe plants are a very popular choice for indoor plant co...
View full detailsScientific Name: AnthuriumCommon Name: Anthurium, Flamingo Lily, Flamingo Flower, Lacelily Anthuriums are wonderful exotic houseplants that are ver...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia obesaCommon Name: Baseball plant The Euphorbiaceae family has over 5,000 species of plants that vary wildly from weeds,...
View full detailsScientific Name: Strelitzia reginaeCommon Names: Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower The Bird of Paradise is native to South Africa and has been a stap...
View full detailsScientific Name: Aspidistra elatiorCommon Name: Cast Iron Plant The Cast Iron Plant comes by its name honestly, as it is famously tolerant of a var...
View full detailsScientific Name: AglaonemaCommon Name: Chinese Evergreen "Lucky Red" Chinese Evergreens are popular houseplants for good reason. They are very low-...
View full detailsScientific Name: AglaonemaCommon Name: Chinese Evergreen "Siam" Chinese Evergreens are popular houseplants for good reason. They are very low-maint...
View full detailsScientific Name: AglaonemaCommon Name: Chinese Evergreen "Silverado" Chinese Evergreens are popular houseplants for good reason. They are very low-...
View full detailsScientific Name: SchlumbergeraCommon Name: Christmas Cactus, Holiday Cactus, Crab Cactus The Christmas Cactus is as unique as it is beautiful. It h...
View full detailsScientific Name: Coffea arabicaCommon Name: Coffee Plant Yes, it is an actual coffee plant! This coffee plant not only adds an extra pop of color w...
View full detailsScientific Name: Cyclamen persicumCommon Name: Cyclamen, Alpine Violet The Cyclamen's blooming cycle naturally occurs in late fall and winter, and ...
View full detailsScientific Name: Dracaena fragrans (formerly Dracaena deremensis)Common Names: Lemon Lime Dracaena, Dragon Tree, Corn Plant Dracaena houseplants ar...
View full detailsScientific Name: Dracaena fragrans (formerly Dracaena deremensis)Common Names: Limelight Dracaena, Dragon Tree, Corn Plant Dracaena houseplants are...
View full detailsScientific Name: Dracaena fragrans (formerly Dracaena deremensis)Common Names: Warneckii Dracaena, White Stripe Dracaena, Striped Dracaena, Dragon ...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia abdelkuriCommon Name: Euphorbia abdelkuri The Euphorbiaceae family has over 5,000 species of plants that vary wildly fro...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia lactea cristataCommon Name: Crested Euphorbia, Crested Elkhorn, Coral Cactus The Euphorbiaceae family has over 5,000 spe...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia feroxCommon Name: Euphorbia ferox The Euphorbiaceae family has over 5,000 species of plants that vary wildly from weeds,...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia poissonii variegataCommon Name: Variegated Euphorbia Poissonii The Euphorbiaceae family has over 5,000 species of plants...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia trigona variegataCommon Name: Euphorbia Trigona, African Milk Tree, Cathedral Cactus The Euphorbiaceae family has over 5...
View full detailsScientific Name: Euphorbia lactea "white ghost"Common Name: White Ghost Euphorbia, Candelabra Cactus, Dragon Bones, Mottled Spurge, Hatrack Cactus ...
View full detailsScientific Name: Asplenium nidusCommon Name: Bird's Nest Fern The tradition of ferns as houseplants gained popularity in the mid- to late-1840's wh...
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